This form should only be used to request review a possible scoring discrepancy. It should b used if you believe you are incorrect scored. It is not a Request for Redress. The Race Committee will review and respond to each request and return this form to the Race Office.

Please use a separate form for each individual request. This enquiry will be review by Race Committee as soon as possible.

ILCA 6 Youth Men
CYP 212658
Feodor Zoubovski
Other boats/boards finishing nearby (give numbers and relative finish to you)
According to the scoring enquiring inquiry for Race 11 the boat ARG 222122 was scored as BFD but it's not reflected in the overall results.

RC’s decision on race 11:
RC records shows that ARG 222122 was identified on the course side of the starting line four before her starting signal.
Additional Comments:
We kindly ask to update the overall results.