This form should only be used to request review a possible scoring discrepancy. It should b used if you believe you are incorrect scored. It is not a Request for Redress. The Race Committee will review and respond to each request and return this form to the Race Office.

Please use a separate form for each individual request. This enquiry will be review by Race Committee as soon as possible.

ILCA 4 Boys
AUS 217524
Aidan Simmons
Other boats/boards finishing nearby (give numbers and relative finish to you)
I was behind boat FIN 217154 and ahead of boat ITA 223114
Additional Comments:
The Turkish sailor 201981 sailed in the wrong fleet on day one. I see that he has been allocated the same position in his correct fleet. This is unfair to all the other sailors in that flight, that scored below nine as their points have increased. It would be fair to allocate two nines in this flight, so that the participants who have competed in the correct flight and done the right thing will retain their original points. Given the Turkish sailors did not compete in the proper course, it is uncertain what position they would have actually come in that flight.

There is video evidence on the live stream which can be found at:

I finished in 16th place and want to keep this position rather than 17th place as newly allocated.